How to Feng Shui Your New Home

feng shui home

Everybody wants peace and harmony in their house and, all in all, just a nice place to live. If you are moving into a new house or you want to freshen up your home, why not follow the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui? The main aim of this practice is to feel connected to your home, using life force energy to harmonise with the surroundings.

By arranging your furniture correctly, you can give your home a cosy, comfortable feel. It's a big help to know about Feng Shui and how to organise your furniture according to the location and function of the room. Feng Shui rules vary greatly depending on what kind of space you're looking to improve, but the same concepts apply to all areas, like chi flow and a distinct pathway and commanding position.

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice. It’s all about how humans and their environment interact and how you can change your surroundings to improve specific life aspects. Feng shui is all about influencing energies by correctly positioning or designing your surroundings in harmony with natural energy flow.

Feng Shui Tips For the Front Door

One way to invite energy forces is to have a strong front door. A lot of good Chi can come into your home from the front door. If the positive energy can flow easily, it will bring you prosperity and ease.

Keep your entryway clutter-free and open by ensuring that all of your shoes and coats are stored in designated areas. You want to make sure that the Chi of your home is not stagnating. Your unconscious mind will appreciate this because it will see a nice, clean entryway every time you enter your home. This will help to create balance in your life and less stress.

Clear the front door path and ensure everything is in order and working. Light up the entry! Clean the windows so that natural light can brighten your entryway. Lighting is necessary as it helps bring in the fire element, which on its own brings recognition.

If you have exterior doors or windows aligned directly with your front door, place furniture between them. If the door is less than five feet away from an exterior one or a window, it creates a block in energy. Make sure the furniture doesn't stick out into the space so people can't walk through, and also make sure it doesn't take up too much space.

What is Chi?

The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui uses the life force Chi, which is everywhere and in all living things. It is believed to be the power that sustains all living organisms. Feng Shui means Wind and Water and is a metaphysical art. This art takes advantage of the natural forces such as the breath of life, or Chi, which are unseen forces in the environment given many names by the ancients.

How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom

When arranging the bedroom, the furniture should complement the room's shape. The bed, the sofa, and everything else must be placed against the wall.

In feng shui, the bedroom is a symbol of oneself. It affects you the most. We spend many hours there, so getting the bedroom's feng shui is essential. The bed should be situated in the "commanding position". This means that you are facing the door but not directly in line with it. Most importantly, avoid the "coffin position" where the feet point at the exit.

You'll need to have space on both sides of the bed, leaving room for а future partner. It also leaves space for nightstands, one on each side. The bed frame must have a headboard and be against the wall. The headboard represents stability, mainly in your relationship.

Ensure there is nothing under the bed to ensure the Chi energy flows free so it can bring you a good rest and a decent sleep. If you have a mirror in your bedroom, ensure it does not reflect someone sleeping.

Bring some green plants, flowers, and paintings to the bedroom for good feng shui. Keep any work-related materials and fitness equipment away as the bedroom should be more yin (not too active) to help you sleep, so it's best to keep exercise equipment in another area of your home.

Yin and Yang Energy

Yin is the feng shui energy of relaxation. If you’re looking for it, be sure to put it in your bedroom. Yang is the feng shui energy expressed in solid colours and sounds and upward moving energy more appropriate for the office.

How to Feng Shui Your Living Room

Your living room is the central space of your home, where you spend time with your family and do everything from relaxing to hosting special events. With this in mind, the presentation of your living room must set a mood for the rest of your home.

Like the bedroom, it's a must to place the furniture against the wall - this will help the constant flow of Chi. Make sure the sofa faces the door or the window, bringing more positive feelings to everyone sitting on it. You can leave some space for a circular coffee table to encourage conversations at the centre of the room.

Declutter the living room and leave some space to avoid congestion. Having too much stuff can be overwhelming. Sometimes a tiny overhaul is needed, but sometimes it's just a few things that need tidying up. Try to balance the five elements in your living room to bring balance and positive feng shui.

The Five Elements

Water, fire, earth, metal, and wood. These elements are found in every person and must be balanced to reach good health and well being. An easy way to bring feng shui into your living room is to include something from every one of them in your space:

  • Earth element – a plant or statue
  • Water element – a vase or a fish tank
  • Wood element – a fireplace or wooden furniture
  • Fire element – candles or lanterns
  • Metal element – an object made from metal

How to Feng Shui Your Kitchen

Every Feng Shui expert will tell you that lighting is vital in the kitchen. The key is to distribute the light in the area evenly. You should take advantage of natural light and ensure the curtains are not blocking the windows.

One of the essential pieces of the kitchen in the Feng Shui philosophy is the stove. The stove represents your career, your resources, and the motivation to succeed. As mentioned before, the “commanding position” is significant regarding furniture, or in this case - kitchen appliances. To be commanding, the stove must be positioned so that you can see the door while cooking without being in line with the door. This is what brings control to your career and your life.

In Feng Shui, stove burners can be seen as sources of wealth. When there are more opportunities for wealth, people have more career success. To increase the chances for wealth, consumers should increase their stove burners. So if you're shopping for a new stove, you may want to look for one with the most burners.

It would be best if you considered that the stove and the sink must not face one another. They represent the fire and water elements, which can lead to conflicts and problems in relationships. Suppose you have a small kitchen or don't have a choice; place a green rug between them. That will represent the earth element, which will clear up the conflict.


There is so much more to Fung Shui that we only covered the tip of the iceberg. However, this can be the basics of reaching peace and creating balance at your home. Be open to the idea of bringing good life energy when moving to a new place. Strong Move can help you if you need a hand with home removal or furniture assembly.

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